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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

A list of my characters, primarily dwelling in the Wowhead forums. Note that this is incomplete and will get updated as soon as I over-power my lazyness.



No image available
Gender Male
Race Darkspear Troll
Class Potion Doc
Affiliation(s) Horde, Darkspear Tribe
Occupation Wandering potion doc
Location varies, mostly Orgrimmar
Status Alive
Alignment Somewhere between Neutral Good and Chaotic Neutral


"Name's Ga'Crane. But joo can call me jus' Ga."

Ga'Crane was born to a well-off troll couple who wanted him to have a serene, respectable and maybe even luxurious lifestyle. At the age of nine they began to search for his place in life. After failing to discover a shaman's talent in him, and proceeding likewise with the paths of a warrior, a druid and an arcanist, his already desperate parents met a renown alchemist who agreed to teach him and was surprised to discover that his talent could only be out-matched by his laziness. Two decades later Ga'Crane became something of a prodigy among the Horde's alchemists, and even began to earn just enough money so as not to worry about it more than necessary. Although he spends a lot of time in his house-slash-laboratory-slash-store in Orgrimmar, Ga'Crane frequently wanders off to gather some reagents on his own, considering this his vacation, and that's when the majority of adventures happen to him - even if he does not want it.


"Me? A slim - yet 'andsome, and don't joo deny it - troll intimidatin' joo?"

Ga'Crane is of a slim build, standing at 6'7" upright with his gorgeous - as he thinks - red hair adding at least 3" more, and weighing about 175 pounds. He prefers long-lasting, stain-proof clothes that are both somewhat stylish and practical. His facial markings bear no actual meaning and are just there for the looks. On his hips hang two enchanted satchels that are a lot bigger on the inside - he got them as a payment after brewing a cure from a most embarassing disease for a powerful Blood elf mage. Ga'Crane smiles frequently, partly because he wants to make friends with everyone he encounters.


"Ah'm one of da best - if not da best - potion doc out dere, mon!"

Ga'Crane is rather frail, has had no combat training whatsoever and is not attuned to the arcane, either. He compensates all of the above relying heavily on various brews and concoctions, his weapon of last resort being a vial with extremely potent acid, capable of eating through organic tissue devastatingly fast. He also carries with him potions for almost all events one could think of, including several syringes with pain-numbing serum - the last one being rarely used, however. Despite the fact that Ga'Crane is not resilient to pain, and sometimes can be shut off even by a minor wound, he tries to restrain from pain-numbers, knowing that they are addictive.


"Troll's gotta do what a good troll's gotta do."

If anything, Ga'Crane is friendly, and through countless hours spent talking with people he took some points in charming, too. Having been through quite an amount of trouble in his life, and not possessing the qualities to deal with it head-on, he has learned to be creative, and utilise anything that comes handy - although, to be honest, it's mainly his various concoctions.

Ga'Crane firmly believes that he is one of the best Horde potion docs, if not the best, and when speaking about his job he rarely misses an opportunity to be boastful about it. When a problem arises, this troll tries to get rid of it ASAP, and that may characterise him as hot-headed. He is also very loyal - and secretly prides himself on that - and that backfires on him sometimes.

Although not as weird as the potion docs are widely believed to be, Ga'Crane sometimes talks to himself, particularly mocking his own mistakes. He also utilises his knowledge of High Zandali, swearing in it whenever he feels moody.


  • "Calm down and let da doctor do da dirty job for joo! Da-doo-doo-da..."
  • "Yep, Ah'm dat good, so joo'd better watch out!"
  • "Ah'm gonna show joo mah voo-doo..."
  • "'ey, sup?" A common greeting.
  • "Joo 'ave no idea 'ow much it sucks to be me." When in depression.
  • "I dare you, Ga, I double dare you to mess this up!" To himself, thus without his usual accent.
  • "<Zandali swear word>!!!"


Ga'Crane is the first troll character I've ever made, thus he possesses a thick accent that has become something of a trademark. His name is an anagram of Carnage, and that means... Absolutely nothing!

Alexander "Duskhide" Bowie

AllianceAlexander "Duskhide" Bowie
No image available
Title <Lord>
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Aristocrat(formerly), Druid
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Gilneas
Occupation Wandering druid
Location varies
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral Good


"I am Alexander, but I am also Duskhide."

The cataclysm that consumed the southern part of Gilnean peninsula also destroyed Bowie manor, leaving Alexander, who was hunting feral worgen to the north at the time, only his title as a mockery. For a short period of time he became a lot more reckless, unleashing his grief upon his prey. That cost him dearly, for not long after that a worgen bit him, causing all dark and horrible that was inside him to emerge in the form of Duskhide. The new-born feral worgen ravaged the land for some time before meeting - actually, jumping at - several night elf druids not far from Tal'doren and getting subdued. The night elves could feel that inside the beast still clinged to hope remnants of a human he once had been - and that the said human had a hidden talent for druidism. Thus, they took the risk of letting Bowie into the Emerald Dream, where his human side faced off against his worgen one.

Alexander emerged victorious, but considering the fact that his personality changed considerably after that, it is safe to say that rather than defeating Duskhide, he accepted him as a part of himself and conjoined with him. As an outcome, his affinity to Nature grew stronger, and under tutelage of more experienced druids he became quite a prominent one himself. Now that not only his manor but his homeland lies ravaged, nothing ties Alexander to one place, and thus he wanders across Azeroth, undoing the unnatural and furthering the Alliance cause whenever he can.


"Problems, officer?" - when talking to a Horde guard in his worgen form, grinning ear to ear.

Alexander prior to his transformation

In his human form, Alexander stands at 6'6" and weighs about 180 pounds, while taking the guise of Duskhide makes him as tall as 7' and 275 pounds heavy. Before the transformation he used to be rather pale and frail, but now he is a lot stronger and better built. He wears a traditional - if somewhat dark - Druid garb, and is rarely seen without his staff, which is actually a misplaced twig of Tal'doren, altered to better serve him. As a human Alexander sports a black mane that almost rivals that of Duskhide, as well as a neatly trimmed beard and moustache. Duskhide is large, black-furred and posesses deep amethyst eyes that probably are an indication of his druidic abilities.


Alexander's human form after his transformation


"Face the wrath of Nature!"

Alexander is adept in all forms of druidic combat, but prefers to call upon powers of Nature and deal with his enemies from afar, rather than engaging them in melee. His favorite tricks include sprouting numerous vines to hold - and, if needed, tear apart - his adversaries, bombarding them with explosive and/or rapidly growing seeds, or, if dealing with undead or demons, calling down a focused ray of light to burn them. When forced to close combat he prefers a form of a large silver-back saberworg. His ultimate weapon is an ability to, upon piercing his enemy's body with his staff, forcing it to grow rapidly, in the end sealing his victim inside a tree that would feed upon his or her organism.


"I do what I have to do, and nothing will stop me."

Alexander has many personality flaws - he is rather arrogant, self-confident, zealous and vengeful when it comes to dealing with Forsaken - he hates them both as a druid and as a Gilnean, and it takes a lot to keep him from killing one immediately upon notice. That is not the case with other races, however, and Alexander is even willing to work along-side orcs, trolls or tauren if it means restoring the natural balance. After his final transformation, however, he grew a lot more mature, and is now calm, reserved, patient and sometimes even wise. He retains a noble's etiquette, but also possesses a savage worgen's brutality, so it is not hard for him to communicate with almost everyone.

Ahanu Whitehorn

HordeAhanu Whitehorn
No image available
Gender Male
Race Tauren
Class Warrior, Icon Cataclysm 18x18Sunwalker (Paladin)
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Confederated Tribes of the Tauren
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral Good


Ahanu Whitehorn was born twenty years prior to the Third War. During his youth, Ahanu tended to be far more rash and ill-tempered then other tauren, as well as far more likely to seek fame, glory and - the last but not the least - treasure. When his tribe along many others joined Thrall's Horde, Ahanu gladly entered its military ranks. His formidable strength and agility - although some would call it brutality - earned him a recognition and a reputation of a Horde's exemplary warrior. During the War against the Lich King, however, Ahanu was ambushed by a large squad of undead, and were it not for a group of Argent Crusaders who saved him, the tauren would have certainly meet his demise. That battle cost him his right eye and most of his horns, and also made him change his ways.

Ahanu hand around the Argent Crusaders for some time, and from them telling him about the light grew his will to adopt a more pious lifestyle and turn to An'She - whom he now saw as the embodiment of all the things his saviors admired. Later, Ahanu participated in the Argent Tournament and it was there where he met Lisciel Dawnchaser. The two quickly became friends, and even participated in subduing of Icehowl.


Icon Cataclysm 18x18When the Sunwalkers pledged their allegiance to the Horde, Ahanu did not hesitate to join them. More an adventurer than a conscripted soldier, he now shows no will to combat the Alliance, but will do so if need arises.



Ahanu before the War against the Lich King. Note the eyes and the horns.

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Ahanu's two-handed axe.

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  • The eternal sun shines upon us all - only some bask and some are scorched in its golden rays.
  • Great An'she guides my blade. Sometimes, his benevolent presence is clouded by my fury. You do not want to witness it.
  • Each day that we live, we learn.
  • The wicked do not deserve to live.
  • For the warchief and the tribes!

Lisciel Dawnchaser

HordeLisciel Dawnchaser
No image available
Gender Male
Race Blood Elf
Class Mage
Affiliation(s) The Sunreavers, The Kirin Tor
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Presumed Lawful Neutral, with him being a Kirin Tor member. In truth, behaves like Chaotic Good far more often


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Lisciel's staff.

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  • (Closes his fist, extends the middle finger, kisses its tip and drives the hand forward) Right here, buddy.
  • You certainly look like one who could use some proper education.
  • Time to melt some faces.
  • We are the good guys, does anyone doubt that? Excellent, because good does not mean nice.
  • (Scowls) Damn, forgot a book in the Legerdemain Lounge again... What? Yes, I can pronounce that properly.
  • Warlocks? (Sound of the air crackling with arcane energies) Where?

Kareithel Arroval

HordeKareithel Arroval
No image available
Title <Blood Lord>
Gender Male
Race Blood Elf
Class Blood Knight (Paladin)
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Quel'Thalas
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Alignment Lawful Evil


Hailing from an ancient and rich elven family, Kareithel - or simply Kareth, as his friends call him, - himself was never a talented arcanist, nor a gifted ranger. Therefore, there was nothing outstanding in his life before the Third War. The Scourge has burnt down his family manor and taken the lives of all his relatives, with his mother and sisters ending up as banshees and his younger brother Talagant as a blood prince. Desperate and seeking vengeance Kareithel has gladly joined the ranks of the new-formed Blood Knight Order and it was there and then where his potential was revealed in its fullest - his fervor, willpower and relentlessness allowed him to quickly rise through the ranks of the Order.

Many days have passed since. Kareithel tracked down and put all his relatives - with an exception of his brother - to rest, reclaimed most of his family's fortune and somewhat matured. With the Sunwell restored - in which he has almost personally took part, having fought in the front lines of the Shattered Sun Offensive - and immediate threat driven off the kingdom's borders, Kareithel dedicated himself to restoring his motherland's former glory. He soon found himself to be a talented administrator and a canny manipulator. With the Order backing him in his endeavours, Kareithel will stop at nothing on his quest to help Quel'Thalas achieve greatness.



"Trust me."

6'2" tall, brawny and broad-shouldered by elven standarts. Sports a goatee, style of which is changed from time to time, according to his mood. Whenever without his large horned helmet, his glorious mane can be seen, along with completely opaque glasses that he wears so that he can look into his interlocutor's eyes, while the latter is stripped of such a possibility. Has sunken cheeks and deep-set eyes, hinting of sleepless nights. Unless he controls them, his brows are constantly clouded.

To say that he prefers black and red clothes would be an understatement - Kareithel even dyes his hair and his goatee so that only his veridian eyes do not fall into the color scheme.


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Some not-savvy-enough to see through his mask will easily mistake Kareithel for an easy, outgoing person - and that is not surprising, given his good (if only somewhat sophisticated) sense of humor and his sleight-of-mouth. However, such appearance has been achieved through determined self-training, not given by nature. On the inside, he is still recovering from the wounds left by the Scourge, and only truely cares for other blood elves. And, while he will certainly help a fellow sin'dorei if such a need arises, Kareithel firmly believes that some just don't know the right from wrong, while he - and his order - on the other hand, know it. Kareithel despises chaos, and thinks that any problem save for those of Icon Cataclysm 18x18cataclysmic scale can be dealt with when approached methodically.


  • Quel'Thalas first, everything else later.
  • Order above else.
  • Even if I die, another one will take my place. But I will not die - I am just that good.
  • Some do not know what is best for them... And some are there to teach the former the right way - our way.
  • Ever tried my distant cousin's cookies? Delicious.


A list of songs I listen to when roleplaying.

As of 12/08/2010, the soundtrack section is revamped into a united playlist for all characters.

Disturbed (Tears for Fears cover) - Shout 2000

Disturbed - The Animal

Rise Against - Re-education (Through Labor)

Slipknot - Vendetta

Predator (Running Wild Cover) - Under Jolly Roger

Korn - Here To Stay
