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Image of Paulsta'ats
Title <Consortium Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race Ethereal (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Consortium
Location Aeris Landing, Nagrand[30, 56]VZ-NagrandBlip

Paulsta'ats is an ethereal located at Aeris Landing in Nagrand.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Consortium rewards
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - PvP Power] 4g Enchanting (325)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Shifting Shadow Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Reckless Flame Spessarite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Gloves] 12g Leatherworking (340)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Bag of Jewels] 4g Tailoring (340)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Swift Skyfire Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Subtle Golden Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Sparkling Azure Moonstone] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Delicate Blood Garnet] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Boots] 14g Leatherworking (350)
Inv weapon shortblade 08 [Nethershard] 34g 99s 38c One-Hand Dagger
Inv sword draenei 01 [Gift of the Ethereal] 34g 85s 80c One-Hand Sword
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Leggings] 14g Leatherworking (350)
Inv pants 02 [Nomad's Leggings] 23g 1s 89c Leather
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Crimson Sun] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Don Julio's Heart] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of the Null Rune] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Consortium Blaster] 34g 40s 63c Gun
Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge] 8g Engineering (350)
Inv chest cloth 08 [Stormspire Vest] 29g 25s 52c Cloth
Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Executioner] 12g Weapon Illusion
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Consortium Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv helmet 30 [Nether Runner's Cowl] 57g 39s 16c Cloth
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Haramad's Bargain] 97g 1s 12c Necklace
Inv weapon shortblade 31 [Guile of Khoraazi] 190g 57s 45c One-Hand Dagger
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] 225g Jewelcrafting (315)


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