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MobOrinoko Tuskbreaker
Image of Orinoko Tuskbreaker
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 20-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Mercenary[1]
Location Amphitheater of Anguish, Zul'Drak
Companion(s) Whisker (pet)

Orinoko Tuskbreaker is a tuskarr abandoned in his youth. He is the fourth boss in the Amphitheater of Anguish. At some point when battled he summons his pet Whisker to help him. When Orinoko is killed the seal despawns.


  • Ability warrior battleshout Battle Shout — Increases the melee attack power of nearby friendly targets for 2 min.
  • Inv misc fish 02 Fishy Scent — You're covered in a thick sauce, made of Halibut.
  • Ability warrior charge Impale — Rushes the target, impaling them.
  • Trade engineering Summon Whisker — Calls his trusty pet, Whisker.


  • Orinoko Tuskbreaker yells: Come, land-dwellers, face the fury of tusk and whisker!
  • Orinoko Tuskbreaker yells: Whisker! Where are you?! Assist me!

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  1. ^ Gurgthock: This battle must be seen to be believed! Once a mild-mannered tuskarr fisherman, our next fighter turned to the life of a soulless mercenary when his entire family was wiped out by a vicious pack of lion seals and ill-tempered penguins! Now he's just in it for the gold! Ladies and gentlemen, ORINOKO TUSKBREAKER!!

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