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HordeA Goblin in Shark's Clothing
Start Assistant Greely
End Hobart Grapplehammer
Level 1-20
Category Lost Isles
Race IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female Goblin
Experience 775
Reputation +350 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards Inv hammer 20 [The Hammer] or Inv pants mail 36v2 [Leftover Mechachicken Legs]
Previous H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Who's Top of the Food Chain Now?
Next H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Invasion Imminent!
Mechashark X-Steam

Mechashark X-Steam


Use the Mechashark X-Steam to slay The Hammer.

  • Use the Mechashark X-Steam Controller
  • Mob The Hammer slain


Combining the remains of the Mechachicken with these shark parts, we've assembled the greatest fighting submersible of all time: The Mechashark X-Steam!

Hobart and I want you to pilot, <name>. Go west into the water. You must kill The Hammer if we're to have any hope of exploiting the natural resources of the Dire Strait to their fullest extent!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv hammer 20 [The Hammer] Inv pants mail 36v2 [Leftover Mechachicken Legs]

You will also receive: 6s


That monstrously humongous shark is not dead yet! Do I have to do everything myself?


Excellent work, my <boy/girl>! The Town-In-A-Box is saved thanks to my overwhelmingly unbelievable intellect and engineering know-how.

Notes and trivia[]

On accept
Assistant Greely says: <name>, get to the Mechashark X-Steam Controller. Rid us of the Hammer menace!

The controller is on the beach. It gives you access to three abilities:

  1. Freakin' Laser Beam 50 yd range — Inflicts 190 to 210 Fire damage each second upon The Hammer, for until cancelled. Every shark neads a freakin' laser beam! Instant
  2. Egg-splosive Barrage 50 yd range — Lob a deadly barrage of explosive eggs at The Hammer, doing 285 to 365 fire damage. Weapon system provided by the Mechachicken. Instant (5 sec cooldown)
  3. Repair — Repair the Mechashark X-Steam for 200. You're going to need to use this! (10 sec cooldown)

Use the Egg-splosive Barrage, and run away from The Hammer, spamming Egg-splosive everytime it's off cooldown. Use the Repair if you get hit by the shark. Don't bother with Freakin' Laser Beam, as this will cause you to get bitten by the shark, which hurts a lot since Patch 5.0.4

  • During the beta, the shark was seemingly named "Mechashark X-Stream".


  1. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] It's A Town-In-A-Box
  2. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Hobart Needs You
  3. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Cluster Cluck
  4. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Trading Up
  5. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] The Biggest Egg Ever
  6. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Who's Top of the Food Chain Now?
  7. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] A Goblin in Shark's Clothing
  8. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Invasion Imminent!
  9. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Bilgewater Cartel Represent / H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Naga Hide
  10. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Irresistible Pool Pony
  11. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Surrender or Else!
  12. H IconSmall Goblin MaleIconSmall Goblin Female [1-20] Get Back To Town

Patch changes[]

External links[]
